Giving Tuesday kicks off a Season of Hope

It's Giving Tuesday! An annual day of celebrating generosity, sharing with others and supporting many organizations.

This year, it falls on December 1st and for millions of Christians around the world, the beginning of the season of  Advent. This is a time of year when we look ahead to the celebration of the birth of Jesus and practice waiting on the Lord's timing. 

Traditionally, the first week is focused on HOPE. As we near the end of this strange  and difficult year, I  have to admit that feeling hopeful is taking some work. I don't know about you, but the circumstances of this year have worn me down - but I think a good dose of hope is exactly what I need. 

The team at Bible Project -  a resource that I love -  says that, "Biblical hope is different from optimism, enduring even in the most difficult of circumstances. While optimism is based on the belief that things will work out for the best, Biblical hope is based on God’s unchanging character and promises."

We find our hope is in a person. Jesus - his life, teachings, death and resurrection - is where we choose to place our hope. This hope ultimately requires us to live within the tension of circumstances that are not what we want or expect. We choose to find hope in Jesus, His way of living and His promises to be with us regardless of circumstances.

It's this kind of hope that our team tries to approach each day with. It has taken on many forms this year. Safe Learning Hubs for 70+ students in Lewiston and Portland are ensuring that when schools reopen these students will be reading at grade level. More than 200,000 lbs of food has been distributed through our Friends and Neighbors Networks to more than 80 families.

Hope is also something that is infectious, like when a neighbor's hope is renewed by watching a local teen create beauty through building flower boxes, mowing lawns or painting a mural in a park.

We feel this hope when people - like you - give generously because of your hope that through the way of Jesus, our ministry can have a deep impact in our beloved neighborhoods in Lewiston and Portland. 

This GivingTuesday, please considering joining us at The Root Cellar as we place our hope in the way of Jesus as we work for the good of our neighborhoods by making a gift or becoming a monthly partner. 

Thank you for loving your neighbors in Portland and Lewiston - it’s a blessing to be partnered with you!

Grace and Peace,


Joel Furrow, Executive Director



New monthly partner gifts will be matched for the first 6 months!

Don’t want to give online?

No problem, just click here download our Automated Bank Draft form, fill it out and return it with a check for the first months gift.

Joel H. Furrow


Joel is a graduate of Liberty University where he received a Bachelors of Science in Religion with a concentration in Intercultural Studies. Joel has 10+ years experience working with refugee and at - risk youth populations in Clarkson, GA and Cambridge & Boston, MA. In 2009, Joel implemented the Bridging the Gap Juvenile Diversion program in the city of Boston, serving nearly 100 juvenile offenders annually. Joel became the director of The Root Cellar in Lewiston in 2012. Joel and his lovely wife Hilary live in Wales, raising 3 beautiful, stubborn and energy filled daughters.

Safe Learning Hub in Lewiston


Portland Location Closed through Thursday, 11-19