

to our Neighbors

In 1984, a group of Mennonite missionaries were lead by God to partner with a local church serving within the most impoverished and violent community in Portland, ME.

These volunteers opened a teen center for “street kids” in the humblest of settings - a dirt floor basement, previously used as cold storage for vegetables - a root cellar.

This new ministry quickly grew, serving younger siblings and adding a food pantry for local families.

Much has changed over the years - different staff, additional neighborhoods and ever changing neighbors, but our mission, hope and prayer for our neighbors remain unchanged.

As we look back, it’s clear that God has been with us through the decades. As we look forward, it’s clear that God is just getting started.

That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith,

that you, being rooted and grounded in love,

may have strength to comprehend with all the saints

what is the breadth and length and height and depth,

and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge,

that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3:16-17

Join Us for a Night of Celebration!

Join us for a special night as we celebrate God’s faithfulness to our neighbors through the years. We will break bread together, worship and hear the stories of how God has been at work in and through The Root Cellar over the years, today and how we anticipate where He is leading us in the future.

We don’t want you to miss this - so we have 2 opportunities for you to join


When a young boy generously gave just a few small loaves of bread and fish, Jesus blessed it used it to feed multitudes.

Over the years, we’ve witnessed the same kind of multiplication time and time again, all starting with generous gifts from individuals and families just like you.

You have a critical role to play in the future of God’s ministry among our neighbors.

Will you prayerfully consider making a special gift today or becoming a monthly partner?

Will you make a gift special gift today?