Abundant Food Share Pantry

With a holistic focus on nutrition and relationships, there’s not just enough food - it’s abundant!

Abundant Food Share Pantry is available to anyone need on a weekly basis. Food will be distributed in pre-sorted portions related to family size and available throughout the scheduled time as supplies allow.

Abundant Food Share Hours


Weekly - Each Friday | 12 -1:30pm


Each Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 12 noon to 2pm

“When I was hungry, you fed me. When I was thirsty, you gave me something to eat.”

- Jesus, Matthew 25

Are we actually loving our neighbors as ourselves?

This question led us to move from offering only an emergency food pantry, where families were fed but always returned hungry, to a model that encourages community and participation. In this way, those in need of food have the opportunity to be empowered with the opportunity to provide for themselves and others in need.

Local families in need of food are invited - but not required - to become a part of Friends and Neighbors Network (FANN). Together, they volunteer their time to provide an “abundance” of food for other families in need. The FANN Members responsibilities may include set-up and clean up as well as the actual distribution of the food. Although prayer participation is not required for members, a time of prayer has become a tradition at several group meetings. In one of the FANN groups, the members have voluntarily taken over the prayer time, which has had a deep spiritual impact on the group. 

FANN Members may be recipients in the same Abundant Food Share Pantry alongside other households in need and go through the same registration process. This opportunity to provide an abundance for others in need is a beautiful example of the way of Jesus, who multiplied the humble offerings of just 5 loaves and 2 fish into an overwhelming abundance of food.

Through some of societies leanest and challenging times, these the FANN groups have proven to be incredible sources of community support and “neighboring.” Due to their dedication to one another, we have observed an increased food secure and healthy households and families.

Thanks to our partnership with Good Shepherd Food Bank, we are able to consistently provide quality food boxes. A typical food box includes protein, starch (pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.), fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, bread, eggs, and household supplies - like a normal trip to the grocery store!