In Portland, English Classes Build New Friendships and Hope
Our English Language Learning Program in Portland currently offers two beginner level classes and one intermediate level class at The Root Cellar. Read more to learn how these classes are welcoming, loving and empowering our neighbors.

Welcoming our New Neighbors at The Expo!
In June, a large group of families made their way to Portland, ME seeking asylum, traveling by bus from San Antonio, Texas. This was the last leg of a very long journey, taking them from their home countries of Angola and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where they fled violence and oppression.
Portland's New Asylum Seekers : How to Help
The City of Portland is currently welcoming hundreds of new asylum seekers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola. Over 150 are currently being housed at the Portland Expo, we are told that hundreds more are in route. This is a dynamic, changing scene - and there is much work to be done. Here are a few things you can do right now.

Meet Our Neighbors: Louise's Story of Hope
Some of the men carried guns. Others brandished knives and bows and arrows. Most were naked. The men appeared by the hundreds on the horizon, fixated on a defenseless village called Tsaka Tsaka. The locals peered out of their mud huts and, without a second thought, ran for their lives. Eight-year-old Louise darted past the village farmland with her family. They would spend the next few days starving in the wilderness before finally heading back to Tsaka Tsaka.