We are so close to reaching our $30,000 MADNESS on a MISSION goal! Thanks to so many of you more than $21,600 has been generously given to fund our Lewiston roof and Portland heating system replacement projects!!

This is simply astounding. It's a beautiful testimony of God's provision through His people. Your dedication and faithfulness IS creating more opportunities for our team to minister to more neighbors and the Kingdom of God to expand further into our cities. YOU are an answer to so many prayers.

So what's the game plan for closing this $8,400 gap by April 3?

Over the next 10 days, we are setting a new goal.

So far, 92 individuals have given during MADNESS on a MISSION and we have $8,400 to go to replace our roof in Lewiston and a heating unit in Portland. To get there by April 3, we are asking YOU to prayerfully consider joining us as a Monthly Partner. If just 21 individuals or families committed to just $25 per month, we will exceed the $30,000 goal and fund these essential projects! Maybe you can give $50 or $100 per month, or maybe just $10 or $15. Whatever the amount, this is a way to multiply your gift and support programs like Super Winter!

What's Super Winter?

I'm so glad you asked.

Our roof in Lewiston houses many ministries, services and programs. It's a beast of a little building. One of the highlights of the long winter season is our SUPER WINTER Day Camp. During February school break, our team offers 4 jammed packed days of fun and learning. This includes breakfast, art, team building and activities like snow tubing, skating and skiing! Each day, our team and kids work together to understand God's way for our lives and seek His kingdom, learning what it truly means to "love God and love our neighbors."

Watch to learn more about how your generosity and support create an amazing opportunity for neighborhood kids and teens! (Make sure you turn up the volume!)

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WE hope you will consider joining us as a MONTHLY PARTNER!

Joel H. Furrow


Joel is a graduate of Liberty University where he received a Bachelors of Science in Religion with a concentration in Intercultural Studies. Joel has 10+ years experience working with refugee and at - risk youth populations in Clarkson, GA and Cambridge & Boston, MA. In 2009, Joel implemented the Bridging the Gap Juvenile Diversion program in the city of Boston, serving nearly 100 juvenile offenders annually. Joel became the director of The Root Cellar in Lewiston in 2012. Joel and his lovely wife Hilary live in Wales, raising 3 beautiful, stubborn and energy filled daughters.



New Neighbors in Need of "Daily Bread"