Stitching Love Together
It was this time last year when I first opened up the sewing class to our Portland neighbors. There was instant interest and die-hard students that couldn’t get enough of the environment created by Fruitful Sewing. I have seen so much growth in their sewing ability- an obvious improvement, but more importantly, their confidence and relationships with each other, and in myself.
After my first week a year ago, I journaled these words because I was so overwhelmed:
“Today I cried as I left class seeing a woman so broken, even upon entering my classroom, in such physical exhaustion and mental anguish. I saw how very much she needed both mentally and physically and felt like there was no way I could ever be or give enough for her. I felt so inadequate. I was reminded as I shared the story and wept, that God has all that she needs and I am only to turn to Him in those moments and He will give me the abundant love to be Jesus to her in every encounter.”
Since then, I have made a point to look for God’s leading and hear His voice to show Jesus’ love to each student at each encounter. With this student, God has told me to just physically touch her, hug her, place a gentle hand on her for Him. And also speak peace and encouragement to her. God loves her and her life means something to Him.
“We are all broken people, but with Jesus hope we will endure and we are called to show his face of love to each other. ”
We are all broken people, but with Jesus hope we will endure and we are called to show his face of love to each other.
This is how He heals and restores this broken world, through His people. Jesus shows up each day through my students and in myself as we allow ourselves to reflect God’s loving image to each other.