Loving Lewiston for 12 Years

On Valentines Day in 2009, The Root Cellar held what would be the first RC Community Dinner in downtown Lewiston in the back of a renovated auto parts store located on Birch Street in the heart of the Tree Streets Community. This began the organization’s 2nd outreach in Maine’s 2nd largest city.

Lewiston is a town that we love. The Tree Streets Neighborhood, like Munjoy Hill and East Bayside in Portland, has become home to us, and we are proud to be part of this unique and inspiring corner of the great state of Maine.

Over the past 12 years things have changed, grown and changed again in Lewiston. God has been faithful, providing volunteers, resources and staff to pursue opportunities for neighborhood children, youth, and families. However, we have discovered that God’s greatest blessing was here already - our neighbors.

Working alongside our neighbors as we seek first the Kingdom of God is at the heart of philosophy of ministry, and this continues to be true in Lewiston. Hundreds of volunteers, thousands of neighbors, a handful of staff and a steady supply of Italian Bakery donuts has created something special - a diverse community working together to cultivate social, economic and spiritual wholeness.

We are incredibly grateful to be part of the life of this beautiful and beloved neighborhood. The programs and ministries have taken many forms over the last 12 years and there’s no doubt that in the next dozen years we will shift and change again, but the friendships and community that our Father is weaving together has been and will continue to be the constant heartbeat of this work.

Through thick and thin, so many of you have stood with us. Before that first Valentines day in 2009, many of you gave of your time and resources to help renovate our old building. Facing the possibility of closing our doors in 2013, you chose to believe and give in an extraordinary and generous spirit. Last year, we faced a difficult and challenging year together, creating opportunities to continue the education of our neighborhood children through the pandemic and ensuring that food was more available than ever before. Thanks to your generous giving and prayer, we have seen walls of difference break down and the love of God continue to transform our neighborhood though the challenging and uncertain days of 2020 and early 2021.

We believe that our Father in Heaven has great plans for the Tree Streets Neighborhood - and we are so grateful to be part of it!

Will you join us as a Monthly Partner?

In honor of our 12 Years in Lewiston, will you consider joining as a Monthly Partner?

Our Match is still on! Every New Monthly Partner will be MATCHED for 6 moths!

The Match will end on February 28th, so don’t wait!

or give securely using the form below

Joel H. Furrow



Joel is a graduate of Liberty University where he received a Bachelors of Science in Religion with a concentration in Intercultural Studies. Joel has 10+ years experience working with refugee and at - risk youth populations in Clarkson, GA and Cambridge & Boston, MA. In 2009, Joel implemented the Bridging the Gap Juvenile Diversion program in the city of Boston, serving nearly 100 juvenile offenders annually. Joel became the director of The Root Cellar in Lewiston in 2012. Joel and his lovely wife Hilary live in Wales, raising 3 beautiful, stubborn and energy filled daughters.




Safe Learning Hub in Lewiston