Thank You, Drew

A few years ago, the Board of Trustees made the decision to hire Drew King as the Executive Director of The Root Cellar. We had not employed an ED for many years. The responsibilities were shared with our Board, myself and my counterpart in Portland, Clark Carter.  I approached this new addition to our staff with some uncertainty but was hopeful that God was with us and moving in a way that I couldn’t see. 

I became a little more concerned when I learned that he was a native of the Bronx and an avid Yankees fan. As a rule, we know that Yankees fans are generally not to be trusted. 

Drew is the exception to that rule. 

Drew is a trusted friend and - in many respects - a mentor to me.  Through bumps in the road over the last 2 and a half years, Drew chose to enhance and develop the leadership of others. We had honest, hard ongoing conversations on many occasions. During these conversations, he consistently prioritized the mission of The Root Cellar, our staff and volunteers above his own interests. He chose to humbly learn from our neighbors and staff and pushed each of us to do the same. In so doing, he served and loved in a way that is consistent with the love of Jesus. 

In Philippians 2, the Apostle Paul describes the kind of living as the “mind of Christ.”  He describes the love of Jesus as, “considering others as more significant than yourself.”   

Drew has embodied this kind of love and living during his time at The Root Cellar. 

As today marks the last day of his time with us in the role of Executive Director, I want to offer my congratulations and deep thanks. I am grateful for his leadership, patience, humility, and love.  I feel prepared as I begin a new and challenging role tomorrow, thanks  - in no small way - to Drew. He is not leaving us entirely, and I look forward to continuing to pursue the Kingdom of God with him in Lewiston, Portland and wherever God leads.  

Thank you, Drew. 

Many blessings on the journey ahead and may the Yankees never win again. 


Drew leading a discussion at our Ladies Breakfast in Portland.

Drew leading a discussion at our Ladies Breakfast in Portland.

Drew making good on a bet that we made after the Red Sox beat the Yankees in the playoffs on their way to the 2018 World Series. #integrity

Drew making good on a bet that we made after the Red Sox beat the Yankees in the playoffs on their way to the 2018 World Series. #integrity


A Note from Drew on his retirement and next steps

To The Root Cellar Family & Friends,

After lots of prayer and thought over the past year, I have decided to retire, effective April 1.  My grandchildren are calling (five and counting, all girls), and I want to spend time with them before they start their school years.  I've also realized that the best way for me to support The Root Cellar is in an advisory role, so I'll be pursuing a position on the Board of Trustees this summer.  Christine and I intend to volunteer in both locations as opportunities arise.  

Leading The Root Cellar over the past two and a half years has helped me grow and shape my faith in many ways.  From the dedication of our staff and volunteers to the goodness and humility of our neighbors, and to the faithfulness of our Board and donors, God has used this experience to show me what is truly important - to love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love my neighbor as myself.    

The Root Cellar is in good hands under Joel's leadership.  I'm looking forward to seeing and supporting what God is doing in Southern Maine through The Root Cellar, in whatever ways He has planned for me.


Drew's Signature.png

Drew King, Executive Director

Joel H. Furrow


Joel is a graduate of Liberty University where he received a Bachelors of Science in Religion with a concentration in Intercultural Studies. Joel has 10+ years experience working with refugee and at - risk youth populations in Clarkson, GA and Cambridge & Boston, MA. In 2009, Joel implemented the Bridging the Gap Juvenile Diversion program in the city of Boston, serving nearly 100 juvenile offenders annually. Joel became the director of The Root Cellar in Lewiston in 2012. Joel and his lovely wife Hilary live in Wales, raising 3 beautiful, stubborn and energy filled daughters.

Continuing to Love in Portland


COVID-19 and Loving Our Neighbors